Canva Magic Studio

Canva Magic Studio

Canva Magic AI

Meet 20 Artificial Intelligence Tools Inside Canva

Welcome to the blog where we discuss that artificial intelligence will not replace us. It enables us to do what we do - but better - and to try new things that previously required experience, knowledge, or time that we did not have.
Canva has changed the rules of the game of graphic design with more than 20 advanced artificial intelligence capabilities that are today the most advanced available in the market. No wonder Canva has 150 million users worldwide!
Let's understand what Canva brings to the table that can save us time, money, and professional experience.
Let's meet some of the impressive capabilities that Canva offers us: 

Magic Design™ -  from Imagination to Design

The ability to write an instruction of 5 words or more to describe the idea, thought, or anything that is in our imagination, and the new capability of Magic Design will translate the textual instruction we wrote - into a sophisticated design including content, according to our request.

קורס קאנבה בינה מלאכותית - רינת קינן


Magic Design For Video™ -  from Imagination to Video

The ability to write an instruction of 5 words or more to describe an idea for a video that includes 3 to 10 images or video clips, and to receive a video, content, and even tailored music - within seconds.

קורס קאנבה בינה מלאכותית - רינת קינן

Beat Sync™ -  Music Synchronization to Content

The perfect ability to time content to the rhythm of the audio/song we added to the content we created in Canva.



Magic Design Presentation™ -  from Idea to Presentation

The ability to write an instruction of 5 words or more to describe our idea and the new capability of Magic Design for presentations will translate the textual instruction we wrote - into a sophisticated presentation that includes content, images, and color schemes according to our request.

קורס קאנבה בינה מלאכותית - רינת קינן


Magic Grab

Advanced Photoshop capabilities we said? Canva's new ability allows separating elements and texts from the original image and designing what we separated in a new design.


Magic Morph

The ability to change any text or texture through a textual instruction. For example, to turn the texture of the text into diamonds, an inflated balloon, flowers. Take an element and give it new life with a new texture - from two dimensions to three dimensions and more.



Magic Edit

Do you want to change an element in the picture? Add an element to the picture? Canva's new ability allows you to easily edit without the need for Photoshop. Mark the element you want to change with a textual instruction and you can change whatever you want.


Magic Media

The ability to write a textual instruction to create an image or a video segment, within seconds.

canva magic media - rinat keinan




Canva has given me an official badge as a Canva Global Ambassador - first access to features in the beta stage, information about pre-launch features, and the ability to influence the development of new features! And why is this important to you? Because you will always be the first to be updated in the course about new artificial intelligence features even before they are open to the general public.
Want to learn easily and simply how to work with each of the 20 artificial intelligence capabilities in Canva? Even to create a talking avatar from a picture?
You are invited to get to know my accelerated course for Canva Artificial Intelligence.
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